Thread: BUSTED!
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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default BUSTED!

Blinky the Shark wrote:
> Not, like *punishment* busted, just discovered.
> Did you ever get busted making something disgusting/horrible/bizarre
> in the kitchen when you were a kid?
> I remember my mom walking in when I was making a sandwich out of two
> slices of white bread, butter and a layer of m&ms. Hey, it made
> sense at the time!
> Knowing my mom, I suspect she was quite diplomatic. Probably
> something like, "Well, that's kind of a different sandwich...your own
> creation, or did you get the idea somewhere?" I do remember that I
> got to eat it. I don't remember my reaction to it. She was right in
> thinking, as I *believe* she was thinking, that it wasn't something
> that was going to happen again, so taking it in stride was a good
> response.

We used to have to *ask* my mom if we could make a triple decker peanut
butter and jelly sandwich. We'd get busted for that if we didn't ask. What
was the big deal? 3 pieces of bread and we'd cut them up in triangles, like
a turkey club. My mom would get so mad!

Oh! And powdered sugar icing on graham crackers was always a no-no unless
we asked, as well. If we got caught making it on our own - BUSTED.
