Why not refrigerate everything?
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Julia Altshuler
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,675
Why not refrigerate everything?
> What you think about my idea? Do many out there put
> things in a fridge that don't normally go in
> there..... granola bars, cereals, breads?
Consider the packaging. There's no problem with freezing pasta if it's
in an airtight container. If it's in the box it normally comes in, the
freezer may impart smells. When the pasta defrosts, it will become
moist with condensation, and that will affect how it cooks.
If you're going to freeze something, make sure it stays frozen. Think
of running out of space, taking oatmeal out of the freezer, and having
it get moist from condensation before you can use it. Bad idea.
Also consider wasted energy costs. It costs a lot to keep all that
stuff cold. If I had the freezer anyway, and if the freezer were
keeping ice cream and ice cubes frozen anyway, and if I used flour only
infrequently, then it would make sense to put the flour in a heavy
plastic airtight bag and keep it in the freezer. But I wouldn't buy a
freezer and plug it in for that purpose. My energy bills would go up,
and for what purpose?
After a bug infestations a while ago, I do keep some infrequently used
grains in the freezer. I think there's some corn meal in there, some
wheat germ, brown rice, and beans.
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Julia Altshuler
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