Why not refrigerate everything?
> Why not refrigerate everything?
> I live in an apartment and the fridge is supplied by
> the landlord but on the small side to say the least.
> However, I've been thinking abt buying a small freezer
> to supplant the fridge and give me the ability to store
> more foods in bulk. �I live alone.
If you live alone why do you need to stash so much food, are you
paranoid about running out of food, are there no stupidmarkets
nearby... it's always better to buy fresh and/or take advantage of the
store's fridges/freezers. And if your landlord is paying for your
electric you'll not be permitted to have an extra fridge or freezer,
and rightly so. And if you're paying for electric you won't be able
to save enough money buying sale items to cover the price of the
appliance and your additional electric bill. If you have extra cash
sitting around you'd be far wiser putting it into an interest bearing
savings account than to invest in foods for stockpiling, many of which
you'll never consume... trust me, simply because you have the space
you will fill it, mainly with larger quantites of perishables than you
can consume before they spoil.