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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Can't afford to buy meat

"Giusi" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> m...
>> Giusi wrote:

>>> you'd know that all of Mediterranean Europe is being inundated with
>>> illegal aliens.

>> These illegals inundating Europe and other prosperous places are Turd
>> World "dirt people", which now number in the several billions in places
>> like Haiti, the Arab/Muzlim world, and most of Africa.

> Your attitude is pretty much of a piece with your usual caustic and
> mean-hearted responses. Immigrant waves do come from poor countries to
> rich ones, that makes sense, no? But our illegal immigrants are also from
> Eastern Europe, China, Peru, Santo Domingo, Chile, Argentina, as well as
> the populations you would flush. I'd flush you, first, because a touch of
> genius might arise from one of those immigrants, whereas we've given you
> decades to come up with something useful and all we've seen so far is
> multiple email addresses so we can't stuff you into our killfiles for
> good.

And he thinks these comments are witty. Witty. All they do is display to
the world the cess pool inside his fetic old decaying shell.