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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,675
Default (2008-07-28) NS-RFC: Reading and/or particpating in r.f.c.

My choice that wasn't listed: *I* get to be the moderator, and I'm
under no obligation to be consistent. I hereby ban all on-topic posts
about foods that I don't like and that I'm allergic to. Also, perfectly
good recipes that I'm not interested in trying at the moment should be
saved until I'm in the mood. Off-topic fun stuff about vacations, pets,
children, grandchildren, word-use, and changing morals and mores is
fine, but off-topic personal snarky enmity is off limits. So is
complaining about fat people, no matter what the cause. And no one is
allowed to get sick. That's whether we talk about it or not. Y'all
should stay happy and healthy forever. Thus it is decreed. Your
wannabe moderator has spoken.
