Why not refrigerate everything?
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Julia Altshuler
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,675
Why not refrigerate everything?
> Convenience. To be able to REALLY stock up and only go
> to store once a month
Ah, now I understand. Nope, it won't work. Things like cereals, flour,
granola bars, oatmeal, pasta, (not bread), last for months outside the
refrigerator/freezer anyway. Produce like apples, lettuce, parsley,
tomatoes, don't last in the refrigerator for months, and they're
unalterably changed and unusable in the freezer. You end up going to
the supermarket more often than once a month anyway. If you can stand
voluntarily never eating anything fresh (I can't) and want to eat frozen
vegetables, canned vegetables, powdered milk, I suppose it could work,
but I'd want a better reason to make such a sacrifice than just convenience.
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Julia Altshuler
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