Julia Altshuler wrote:
> For Cathy and others who are afraid of attempting croissants-- how are
> you with other yeast breads?
Just as ignorant.
> I know you've heard this before, but
> bread
> is really easier than cakes and cookies. There's considerably more
> leeway for screwing up the measurements and still coming out with
> something good. It's like that with croissants. How could something
> possibly have that much butter in it and come out bad?
This is true. Is there such a thing as too much butter?
> --Lia, (I can't come to bed yet. Someone on the Internet is WRONG.)
LOL! I you are an xkcd addict as well?
I found this one amusing too: (and it's even food related <gasp>)
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...