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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default Checking amount of gas in propane tanks

"The Cook" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 08:09:43 -0700, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
>>"CC" > wrote in message
>>> The easiest way to check the fuel level in propane tanks
>>> is to boil water in a pan or kettle then pour the hot water
>>> down the side of the tank. When you slide your hand down
>>> the tank where you poured the water, the temperature will go from hot to
>>> cold,
>>> Where it has turned cold is the level of gas in the tank. In the winter,
>>> the gas coming from the tank will cause a frost
>>> line around the side of the tank. This will also indicate fuel level.
>>> CC

>>Mental masturbation.
>>Just buy a spare tank. If the tank is low are you going to starve? Cook
>>Inside, Get out the charcoal? What?
>>Obviously you don't live in earthquake country.
>>I keep 2 spare tanks.
>>When I hook up the last one off I go to have the empty 2 filled or

> Or hurricane country or any place susceptible to power outages longer
> that and hour.


Food Insurance. I also recommend a gas grill with a side burner & a decent


Old Scoundrel

(AKA Dimitri)