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dsi1[_3_] dsi1[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 352
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

Nancy2 wrote:

> They aren't "chubby chicks," they are morbidly obese women.

It's a matter of perception, isn't it? Some Pacific island cultures
consider "morbidly obese" women as attractive. I have a pencil drawing
of a "morbidly obese" Hawaiian woman hanging on the wall and it's
beautiful. I try to stay away from being judgmental if I can help it.

> The saddest part of the whole issue is that they aren't even
> knowledgeable enough to realize they have other problems than having
> no meat to eat, not the least of which is that they are too naive to
> see that they are being ridiculed because they gave the photographer
> and writer permission to use them in their story.
> N.

Your culture and upbringing makes you see it that way. There is a
possibility that they're not as naive as you think and that they viewed
this as simply taking a picture. Good for them. I've noticed that a lot
of women in our culture seem to be deathly afraid of this simple act.