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Orlando Enrique Fiol Orlando Enrique Fiol is offline
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Posts: 886
Default Can't afford to buy meat

>Actually, most of the inner - city ghetto poor are just L - A - Z - Y,
>largely the result of 60's "Great Society" liberal social engineering
>programs. They've become a criminal dependent class largely because of all
>these hand - outs and well - intentioned programs.

Do you know this from living in a ghetto and making due on the few
resources such people have? Or, are you just talking out your ass?

>And then there are their clownish "leaders" such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who are just great
>big scam artists...

Who else might qualify as a scam artist in your book? Martin Luther
King? Malcolm X? Barack Obama? I shudder at the possibilities.

>Not so different from most of Black Africa, which in reality is just a giant
>"ghetto" that has become dependent on Western aid. They even come complete
>with their own clownish "leaders", such as Mugabe, etc...

Right you are, buddy boy; Europe never had dictators like Napoleon,
Hitler, Stalin or Melosevich.

>I mean, you have to try pretty hard to turn a place like Uganda, formerly
>known as "The Pearl Of Africa" or Zimbabwe, which was one of the
>breadbaskets of the continent, into the shite holes that they are. But they
>did it...

So, why don't we overthrow Mugabe like we did Saddam? Because Zimbabwe
doesn't have any oil?

>Africa was a *much* better place under colonial rule...

How the hell do you know that? Were you even there at any time?
