supper tonight
Victor Sack wrote:
> Crescentini salate
> Savoury shapes
> 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) flour, 20 g (1 oz) butter or lard, 1 scant tbsp baking
> powder, stock, salt, extra virgin olive oil
> Put the flour, baking powder, a pinch of salt and the butter or lard on
> to a pastry board and mix the ingredients together, adding enough stock
> to make a soft, well kneaded dough. Roll this out into a square of
> about 20 cm. Fold it in four and roll it out again. Repeat this
> procedure four or five times, then roll the dough out to a thickness of
> about 5 mm, and cut it into diamond shapes. Put oil or lard, or a
> mixture of the two, into a frying pan and heat well, the fat must be
> boiling. Fry the little shapes a few at a time. Turn the over as soon
> as one side starts to brown, being careful not to pierce them. Put the
> shapes on to a dish lined with absorbent paper, salt lightly and serve
> hot.
That sounds wonderful.
gloria p