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MaryL MaryL is offline
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Posts: 427
Default Why not refrigerate everything?

> wrote in message
> sf wrote:
>>I think it depends on where you live. When my dad lived in Hawaii,
>>they routinely kept anything bugs might like to live in or eat in the
>>refrigerator or freezer.

> Ha!
> That was another reason why I was thinking abt a fridge
> for everything..... BUGS!!
> I have em too here!

I live in East Texas, and we get *lots* of bugs here. I had a problem with
weevils when I lived in an apartment. I followed all the instructions to
get rid of them -- threw away everything with grains or flour (even sealed
boxes), washed canned goods, etc. That helped, but then I opened a can of
spices one day...and there were weevils. Groan! The thing that helped me
completely eliminate the problem is just what you are suggesting. I started
to store everything like cereal in the refrigerator, and I kept flour in the
freezer. That solved the problem. (Of course, I don't eat any flour since
being diagnosed with diabetes, and that eliminated weevils and also freed up
space in the refrigerator. ;o) )
