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dsi1[_3_] dsi1[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 352
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> Michel Boucher wrote:
>>> Dave Smith > wrote in news:488CE79F.7AEB4A07
>>>> I will have more faith in the system when higher percentages of welfare
>>>> recipients get off the dole and their children don't end up on it.
>>> That will only happen if you invest in it. My son's mother was on

> welfare
>>> and because she got the support she needed she was able to get out of

> it,
>>> get a job teaching school and is now about to retire. All the women I

> knew
>>> in the 80's who were on some sort of social safety net have all

> graduated.
>>> Why? Because they were supported in their time of need.

>> The system saved our family's ass when my wife and I moved to CA some 30
>> years ago. As luck would have it, we found out she was pregnant with
>> nether of us with job or health insurance. We were able to get good
>> prenatal care which ended when our son was born. By then, we both had
>> jobs and insurance. I have no idea what would have happened if the
>> system was not available for us but it probably wouldn't have been good.
>> A lot of folks think the welfare system exists to throw good money after
>> bad but wadda they know? You and I know the real story.

> Are you white...???

You're the first guy to ever ask me that! Boy those "write like a white
person" lessons are really paying off! My teacher will be so proud...