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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Would You Like An Outdoor kitchen?

On Mon 28 Jul 2008 10:11:09a, Lou Decruss told us...

> We get the hard copy of Water Garden News and there's an article on
> outdoor kitchens that (obviously) caught my eye. The online story is
> shorter but there's a few links if you follow through them with some
> wonderful outdoor kitchens and I want one of each. I've got grills,
> (gas and charcoal) a smoker, and two fryers. But an outdoor kitchen
> would make me a very happy cooker.
> Lou

If I had the resources, I would absolutely love to have a complete outdoor
kitchen, to include an elaborate gas grill, oven, refrigerator, plumbed
sink, and dishwasher. I'm much too lazy to deal with charcoal/wood fires,
and if I ever had a smoker it would be electric. The climate here in AZ is
amenable to near year 'round use of an outdoor kitchen. I only have a gas
grill, and the time I use it least is in the worst heat of the summer.
When it's 114+° outside, I'd much rather cook inside.

Wayne Boatwright
Monday, 07(VII)/28(XXVIII)/08(MMVIII)
Great and good are seldom the same
man. - Thomas Fuller