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Rainy Rainy is offline
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Posts: 90
Default Fiji Bottled Water New Ad Campaign

On Jul 28, 10:33*am, Warren > wrote:
> Rainy wrote:

> > Good tasting water should be counted as one of
> > basic human rights.. By the way, I'm particularly
> > sensitive to water taste - I can feel much difference
> > between tea made with slowly boiled water,
> > quickly boiled water, boiled with an electric
> > range, an electric pot. It may be beacause I
> > almost always avoid spicy, seasoned, salty foods
> > and strong-tasting drinks. For example, I noticed
> > that if I drink gongfu-prepared oolongs or pu-erhs,
> > on the next day my usual brewed whites and
> > greens taste too bland. Once one more day
> > passes, my taste readjusts and I can enjoy
> > whites and greens again. -ak

> i never called water unneeded, i called bottled water unneeded. awhile
> there are areas of the world where safe water cannot be found and water
> may need to be shipped in, putting water in little bottles and shipping
> them halfway around the globe to someone who can just as easily turn a
> faucet for the same quality is pretty much an unneeded item. It's yet
> another example of how stupid humans are, and how easily they fall
> victim to marketing.

1. My point is that good-tasting water is not " unneeded "
to me and apparently many other people.
2. In some areas indeed there is no safe water. This means
that for them, I'd use a stronger word and say it's crucial
for their survival, not merely needed.
3. Water out of my faucet has a metallic aftertaste.
Filtered water still tastes wrong in a way that's
harder to characterize but it's still very far off.
4. It would be much smarter of you not to suspect
people of being too gullible viz. water marketing
campaings when it's apparent that your tongue
is " not smart enough " to tell foul tasting faucet
water from delicious spring water.
5. People have different priorities. It would seem
that you like sushi, jerky and tea. I also like to
make sushi and obviously love tea but I'd never
make a claim that either of them is more
" needed " than good tasting water.

Exactly in the same way, you might argue that
air is needed for life but fresh air is not " needed ",
as you can survive without it. And yet few would
be willing to live downwind from a city dump,
regardless of the argument that there are cities
or countries who have it even worse.

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