supper tonight
"Victor Sack" > ha scritto nel messaggio > Giusi
> wrote:
>> I ordered books
>> from Amazon-- paperbacks-- to try to use some of my stimulus check in the
>> US
>> and for maybe 10 paperbacks the postage was $56.00.
> From Amazon directly, or from Amazon "Marketplace"? If the former, why
> don't you order from or Postage to Italy is
> something like £4 or 6 euros, no matter how many books you order, even
> if they come from America. I have it even better here, as
> does not charge any postage for books delivered to German addresses.
> Victor
Because if I spend it in Europe, it doesn't stimulate the USA?
My experience with postage from UK is way more costly than yours. Perhaps
distance? I paid more than that once for a single DVD that was shipped
separately against my orders.