Thread: BUSTED!
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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default BUSTED!

Blinky the Shark wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
>> Becca wrote:
>>> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>>>> Not, like *punishment* busted, just discovered.
>>>> Did you ever get busted making something
>>>> disgusting/horrible/bizarre in the kitchen when you were a kid?
>>>> I remember my mom walking in when I was making a sandwich out of
>>>> two slices of white bread, butter and a layer of m&ms. Hey, it
>>>> made sense at the time!
>>> Okay, step aside, ya amateur! Two slices of bread, with butter
>>> schmered on one side, white Karo syrup on the other side, sprinkled
>>> with pecans and coconut. It was a feast for a 9 yr old.
>>> Becca

>> Add peanut butter and I think you've got something there! :~)

> Well, *that* sure lets the camel's nose in under the side of the tent
> -- the banans/bologna/mayo/pickles can't be far behind.

During an (ahem) "enlightened" state in my youth, we made peanut butter and
salami sandwiches. At the time it was incredible. In a more lucid state I
tried it again. Not a do-over.
