Ophelia wrote:
> cybercat wrote:
>> "rosie" > wrote
>>> I would love to have an outdoor kitchen, have seen some that make my
>>> mouth water. However, here in SouthTexas, the weather is so
>>> miserable most of the time it would be a waste.
>> Same with Raleigh, NC. Hell, I just want a better indoor kitchen.
> An outdoor kitchen here would just get rusty
If you're still living in Scotland that may well be true. Do you
actually have summer there, or is that just a rumor? <grin>
However, joking aside, some climates lend themselves to outdoor kitchens
while others don't. I also think that most of the outdoor cooking
equipment/cupboards etc. they sell these days is/are made from
materials that can withstand the elements for xxx years, depending on
the quality. We've got some outdoor cooking equipment (that stays
outdoors) that we've had for 6 or 7 years and it's still in very good
condition. Obviously you pay a bit more for stuff that will last for
many years outdoors, but if you can afford it, it's worth it, IMHO.
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...