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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Would You Like An Outdoor kitchen?

Michael "Dog3" wrote:

> The climate here is so nasty lately I'm not sure I'd use the outside
> kitchen much.

True dat. My poor thunder-phobic dogs are burning through their valium
prescriptions like nobody's business. And because my household has
gained a reputation as a safe haven for strays, my daughter's friends
keep dropping off freaked-out dogs who bolted during the storms.

Yesterday it was a black and white speckled hunting dog sort of thing
that I was seriously allergic to. At 8 am my daughter called the
veterinary clinic that had issued his rabies tag and they gave our phone
number to the dog's owner.

5 minutes later Frankie's mom was on the phone, requesting directions to
the house. They'd been up all night, driving around looking for their
two dogs. She inquired hopefully if perhaps we had the other dog as well.

No joy. However, my daughter called the friend who'd brought the dog
over and confirmed that he had indeed been running with another dog, a
dalmation, who could not be coaxed in out of the rain and bolted when
they'd tried to catch him. The best we could offer Frankie's mom was
Pirate's last known location. He was miles from his house.

I'm glad Frankie made it home but I can't stop thinking about Pirate.