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usual suspect
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Default this deserves an answer, pearl

You've not said a word about the stuff relating to Coleman's wild claims about
his cholesterol levels. I'd hoped you were serious enough and had enough
integrity that you'd urge him to come clean. You said that my skepticism about
the information you cited from his vegan motorcyclist website was "ad hominem,"
but I wonder if you still think so now that he's been exposed as a fraud.

He told me before that his serum cholesterol was "a shade over 2[00]," and he
now claims his raw diet caused a drop of over half. That means his cholesterol,
at some point in time, was in excess of 400. I want to see proof, but I know he
has none. Don't you want your source of so much information to prove his
anecdotal claims? By my count, you've cited Coleman's old site over 150 times
(and that doesn't include any possible redirects using tinyurl, etc.) as "proof"
for many of your own claims. I think you need to address Coleman and his situation.

Coleman said:
> So how come my cholesterol dropped over 50% on a raw diet?

I replied:

First, I don't believe your cholesterol was over 400.

I don't eat any dead animals. My TC is a shade over 2, what's
-- Orthorexic John Coleman,

Perhaps you can post any previous cholesterol results on your new
website to prove this claim. Otherwise, I consider you a stupid ****ing
liar and all your anecdotes fall EXACTLY in the realm of testifying or

Second, even if your level was ever above 400, it remains a post hoc
fallacy. I don't know what your diet was like before you changed, but
raw food alone wouldn't cause such a drop in serum cholesterol. If your
previous diet included *large* amounts (and they would be excessive
amounts to raise your cholesterol that high) saturated fat from dairy
and trans-fats from processed vegetarian foods, then I'd understand such
a drop. Losing the saturated fat -- trans and otherwise -- gets the
credit, not raw food.

Coleman uses his personal "testimony" (i.e., anecdotal info) to support his
claims about raw diets. As one of his supporters, you should ask him to prove
his claims about his cholesterol or admit his brazen lies, come clean about all
his other distortions of his health (we also know now that he is B12 and D
deficient), and promise to cease making outlandish health claims like his one
about his cholesterol. I counted some 75 hits for his site searching your posts
as "pearl" and another 80 hits as "Lotus." This deserves an answer.