dinner tonight
l, not -l wrote:
> On 29-Jul-2008, Tamzen Cannoy > wrote:
>> Salade nicoise, mini baguettes and a bottle of champagne.
>> Life is good.
> Not quite sure what dinner will be tonight, except that it will be
> made using a split chicken (2 chicken halves). Probably won't use
> the oven, maybe the slow cooker or electric skillet.
> Maybe something using up the last of a bit of sun-dried tomatoes and a
> splash of tomato juice, or sun-dried tomato pesto.
> I have some fresh spearmint, cucumber from the CSA (they had a bumper
> crop) and plain yoghurt that won't last much longer; will have to
> figure out something to do with them.
> Definitely left-over peach cobber for desert.
I was going to roast a chicken for my husband's dinner, too, but I have to
use the oven. I'd like to do something different with the chicken, but I
honestly don't have many ingredients to work with. It's a whole chicken, so
I'll most likely just season it with salt & pepper, toss on a little thyme,
and towards the end of the roast add in potatoes, onions and garlic. (My
husband eats roasted garlic like candy.)
What I'm going to eat is still up in the air.