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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Food Network-Out of Touch?

Orlando Enrique Fiol wrote:
> wrote:
>> It seems that every time someone posts an ethnic recipe, ten people
>> reply, whining "That's not how MY grandmother used to make it!"
>> Recipes vary so much by region and even by household on the same street.
>> If someone's ancestor didn't like an ingredient you can bet it will be
>> left out of that family's recipe, probably forever.
>> Cooking is evolutionary, isn't it? Tastes change, ingredients change.
>> Marriage to someone from "somewhere else" causes changes to traditional
>> food prep. If it tastes good, it's bound to be repeated or modified.

> I usually only criticize recipe authenticity when I know enough about
> the cuisine and know which ingredients tend to be varied and which
> remain the same. For instance, if I see cayenne pepper in an Indian
> recipe, I know it's inauthentic because those peppers don't grow in
> India and I've never seen or heard of them being imported.
> Orlando

What types of peppers DO they use there, Orlando? I THINK the
ones I see in the Indian stores don't sport a name--in English

Jean B.