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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Why not refrigerate everything?

On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 09:19:15 -0500, wrote:

>Why not refrigerate everything?
>I live in an apartment and the fridge is supplied by
>the landlord but on the small side to say the least.
>However, I've been thinking abt buying a small freezer
>to supplant the fridge and give me the ability to store
>more foods in bulk. I live alone so don't need a HUGE
>freezer..... maybe 7 cu foot.
>But I had what may be and even better idea.... what
>would be wrong with refrigerating EVRYTHING except can
>I could buy another fridge with built in freezer and
>get additional freezer space..... but also get
>additional fridge space where I could store boxes of
>cereal, oatmeal, and other things you normally don't
>think abt storing in a fridge.
>What you think abt my idea? Do many out there put
>things in a fridge that doesn't normally go in
>there..... granola bars, cereals, breads?
>Or am I best to just buy a small freezer ONLY and
>forget abt the extra fridge space?

i would check your lease before going ahead with this. even if you
pay for your own electricity, the landlord might not like the idea
multiple refrigerators, even if the wiring could handle it.

your pal,