On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 18:12:42 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>Orlando Enrique Fiol wrote:
>> wrote:
>> >I am entitled to Kvetch about cost. I pay taxes. I would rather have the money
>> >for my own use. If you want to donate your own money and throw it into that
>> >bottomless pit of need, feel free.
>> I suspect, given your attitude, that "your own use" wouldn't allow too
>> much of your money to help the needy. So, just because you work for your
>> money, you feel entitled to widen the gap between you and those who have
>> less than you? Where does this sense of entitlement come from?
>You don't know much at all about my attitude. I have no problem helping the needy.
>It is the lazy that I resent having to subsidize. I went to school, finished high
>school and went on to university. I got no allowance from the time I was 8. I had a
>paper route to earn my spending money and later had part time and summer jobs. I
>paid my own university tuition and books. The mother in this story never finished
>high school and never worked. Her excuse was that she was disabled after a car
>accident at age 23), by which time I had graduated university and was working full
>time. Call be old fashioned, but she could show just a little bit of effort toward
>supporting herself.
such a sturdy lad! all these shiftless fat people should be like you.