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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 2,959
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

blake murphy > wrote in

>>Darn, and I was just getting used to oxygen deprivation (starting to
>>feel like a consie, think like a consie, check my wallet like a

> and hold on to your balls at all costs! them homosexuals have an
> agenda and they're not afraid to use it!

My sister is ***. I have been around *** people since she was 16, so I
don't see them as different, or having an agenda.

My grandfather was antisemitic his whole life until he went to visit the
Holy Land and came back a near-Zionist. All he had to do was meet some
Jews to like them. Perhaps all people who are afraid of homosexuals need
to do is actually meet some and find some common ground :-)

French-Canadians like to play a little game we like to call "Yes, we were
talking about you behind your back" when unilingual (needless to say)
anglophones complain that we are not speaking English in their august
presence, even though we were talking about the weather. It increases the
already burgeoning paranoia and gives us a sense of saatisfaction. Same
with gays. If you feel targeted, they're putting you on, because you are
such easy targets. I can't say I blame them either ;-)