Can't afford to buy meat!!
"Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> blake murphy > wrote in
> :
>>>Darn, and I was just getting used to oxygen deprivation (starting to
>>>feel like a consie, think like a consie, check my wallet like a
>> and hold on to your balls at all costs! them homosexuals have an
>> agenda and they're not afraid to use it!
> My sister is ***. I have been around *** people since she was 16, so I
> don't see them as different, or having an agenda.
> My grandfather was antisemitic his whole life until he went to visit the
> Holy Land and came back a near-Zionist. All he had to do was meet some
> Jews to like them. Perhaps all people who are afraid of homosexuals need
> to do is actually meet some and find some common ground :-)
You know Blake was playing, right?