Can't afford to buy meat!!
Michel Boucher wrote:
> blake murphy > wrote in
> :
> >>You know the saying: If it can be fixed with money, then it's not
> >>really a problem.
> >
> > it ****ing well is if you don't have the money.
> The basic problem is that society generally sets a monetary value on goods
> and services and requires ownership as a badge of belonging. With all
> lands in some form of ownership (state or private), people can no longer
> just go out into the woods and survive on their own without referring to
> others unless they play into the game to start, ie buy or lease land.
> Without the resources to do that, they are stuck in urban areas in order
> obtain services they are told they need.
> I guess the fundamental of liberalism which were instilled in the anglo-
> Saxon world (self-reliance, individualism, Star Trek) re no longer valid,
> but they are still being used as reasons to deny basic services, as if
> there actually was a choice. For most, there is not.
As much as you admire communism, it doesn't work in real life and in fact
failed about 20 - odd years ago...
In the meantime the capitalist market system rulz...and it's a system that
is enabling a larger percentage of folks around the world to live better
lives than at any time in history.
[Of course you are lucky in that your income is derived primarily from the
taxpayer's purse...]
Them's the breaks...
" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on