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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Dressing up' for supermarket shopping?- wedding attrocities

Janet Baraclough wrote:
> I suppose it's all down to what one thinks a wedding is for. If it's
> a spendathon social event involving lots of pre-selected presents and a
> let's-pretend quiz, then it makes sense to hire lots of thin beautiful
> strangers for the crowd scenes on the video.

<dope slapping forehead>

Why didn't I think of this?
This has to be the next big thing in wedding planning. For years I've
gotten the idea that the lavish arrangements weren't really for the
comfort of the guests and that I was just a prop for the wedding video.

And to think I was appalled at the idea of hiring professionals to write
the toasts and speeches.

For that matter, why only have thin beautiful people for the crowd
scenes? You might as well have good looking models to play the parents
of the bridal couple too.

Since it's all about staging the perfect party, getting gifts, and
impressing the right people, I don't see why the bride couldn't be
replaced with someone younger and prettier too. (Wait, men are doing
that already.)

There's gold in them there hills.
