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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Anti-Dr. Pepper People

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 18:07:43 -0400, Just Visiting
> wrote:

>On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 14:34:15 -0700 (PDT), "mequeenbe.nospam"
> wrote:
>>Just Visiting wrote:
>>> Not everybody likes the same things but, really...Do people in this
>>> minority really hate Dr. Pepper THAT much? Dr. Pepper never did
>>> anything to them. I'd like to see them make a soft drink as successful
>>> as the Dr. but I doubt that it would ever happen.

>>there is no period (.) after (Dr) in Dr Pepper. Coca Cola owns the
>>brand and they had a big whoop de doo about 20 years ago with the AMA,
>>who threatened to sue because of the (.), which is supposed to be only
>>used with the abbreviation for doctor, like in md, dds., etc.
>>harriet & critters in azusa

>You're right! I stand corrected! And people think that I'm fussy. Wow,
>that's just amazing that a period would be SO important - legally!
>Now, since Coca Cola owns the brand, why doesn't the Cheesecake
>Factory serve it?

haven't you found somewhere else to eat yet? you know that they
either shudder or snicker when they see you approaching. 'here comes
dr. pepperstein.'

your pal,