Thread: supper tonight
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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default supper tonight

Giusi > wrote:

> Because if I spend it in Europe, it doesn't stimulate the USA?

If you buy those same books from a branch of that same Amazon, what's
the difference?

ObFood: Garmugia, from _Traditional Recipes of Lucchesian Farmers_.



1 bunch spring onions, 50 g (2 oz) bacon (cut in thin strips), 150 g (4
oz) ground beef, 400 g (14 oz) thinly chopped vegetables (broad beans,
peas, asparagus tips, artichokes, etc.), 1 litre of stock, a little oil
for frying

- Heat the oil in a lrge saucepan, add the chopped spring onions, bacon
and ground beef - cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally and add
the prepared chopped vegetables.
- Mix well and cook for a further 15 minutes, stirring well.
- Add the stock and bring to the boil, allowing the mix to simmer for a
few minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
- Serve hot with toasted croutons.