frozen pie comparisons
TammyM wrote:
> I love pie baking and am good at it so I never buy frozen.
There was one brand of frozen pie that I used to get, close to the
holidays that rivaled many freshly baked pies I had tried. And it was
certainly better than mine since I suck at making pie crusts. (My mom
made the best crusts, but I never quite mastered her skill).
The pies were sold as fundraisers for my girls' high school
organizations they were in at the time. They came from SYSCO Food
Distribution, but I'm not exactly sure who the bakers were.
Can't say I was ever disappointed in anything that I had ordered from
them. The pies were quite large and servings were more than ample. Crust
was dee-lish!
> This has not been my experience with the Baker's Square in Davis,
> California. I've had their coconut cream pie within recent memory and I
> thought it was divine. The crust wasn't as good as mine though :-)
Nice to see you posting again! Just got back from a month away from
home. Still trying to find my stride with the house-wifey routine. ;-)