Thread: Breakfast...
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Breakfast...

kilikini wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>> George Shirley wrote:
>>> Let's see, leftover brisket, leftover beans and sausage, leftover
>>> ribs, yeah, there's stuff in there for lunch. Plus I need to vacuum
>>> bag and freeze some beef I bought out of the used meat bin yesterday.

>> Ah, but Kili and I are speaking of condiments. I have lots of
>> ingredients for cooking esoteric stuff. Some of the things are
>> pretty old. I really should winnow.
>> I have resolved to winnow out at least one bag of stuff from my
>> "pantry" every week. Otherwise, when I move, I will have to do
>> all of this in a much shorter timeframe.

> I need to winnow out some stuff, too. I don't even think my husband would
> notice, to be honest. Some of the things in there have been there since I
> moved in 4 years ago. One of these days I'll get a round to it.
> kili

I am trying to remember whether I carted some items here when we
moved almost 10 years ago. Quite possibly. That is bad. I guess
that unless something is almost impossible to get or worth its
weight in gold, I will do something about this in the fairly near

Jean B.