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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Can't afford to buy meat

Orlando Enrique Fiol wrote:

> wrote:
>>Good luck! Perhaps, if you are willing to wait a long time but I don't
>>think most buffets are particularly responsive to special requests and
>>I've never seen anyone making them.

> I don't think you understand how flattered Indians get when you use even
> two or three Hindi words, even when Hindi isn't their native language;
> it shows you're truly interested and willing to try. They, in turn, will
> make you fresh lime water or dry chappatis. Trust me.

And likewise, even the most broken attempts at Spanish will have most
native speakers bending over backwards to help. When I sub in Spanish
classes I always tell the kids TRY IT. Most Americans who know even a
smattering of Spanish are too bashful to even make an attempt at making
themselves understood. Swallow your pride and take a stab at it.

If it results in a rapid fire, incomprehensible response, don't freak
out. Wait a couple seconds and see if the general gist of what's been
said filters through. If not, the next phrase to try is, "Lo siento...
Mas lento, por favor" (I'm sorry, more slowly, please).

If you still don't get it, shrug, grin and say, "Mi espanol es muy
pobre. No comprendo. En inglese, por favor?" (My spanish sucks. I
don't understand. In english, please?)