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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Today: U.S. National Cheesecake Day

Abe said...

>>Abe said...
>>>>Today: U.S. National Cheesecake Day
>>>>Delicious and oh so good for you!
>>> It's funny that there is no information about the origin of this
>>> 'holiday' documented anywhere (at least that I could find) yet
>>> somehow, by osmosis or some other mechanism, it has become recognized
>>> as an unofficial holiday.
>>> I guess you could take any food you like, start posting about it being
>>> that foods day, and create enough buzz to actually make it come true.
>>> I think I'll declare August 1st (my birthday) national waffle day.

>>If they can have a July 4th "Sidewalk Egg Frying Day" I don't see why
>>you can't have your "National Celebrating Abe Waffle Day."
>>Everybody probably missed July, Week 2 "Nude Recreation Week!"
>>If you begin at and click the Bizarre and
>>Unique Days link and pick a month you get some pretty funny monthly,
>>weekly and daily holidays.

> Good stuff. Thanks Andy.


You're welcome!

I'll remember to have waffles on August 1st for the 1st Annual "National
Celebrating Abe Waffle Day."

