On Jul 30, 10:44*am, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> Dave the blogspot SPAMMER wrote:
> > Three commercial spice-containing marinade blends (caribbean,
> > southwest, and herb) on round beef steaks were tested by researchers
> > from Kansas State University on grilled steaks. The steaks were
> > marinated for one hour and then grilled at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
> Note that the risk from grilled meats is nearly
> insignificant. *Of course, the blogspot spammer
> won't tell you that, because he's trying to use
> fear to drive traffic to his commercial blogspot
> web site.
> Here's a table of relative risks from
> http://zoology.muohio.edu/oris/ZOO46...s/15b_462.html
> Note how 100 charcoal broiled steaks compares to
> 40 tablespoons of peanut butter or half liter of wine.
> There is absolutely no reason to be concerned about
> this risk, when there are so many other risks that
> completely dwarf this one. *When you put the risk
> in perspective, it removes the rational basis for
> fear. *But then it wouldn't be such a good story
> for the spammer to exploit.
> Table 12. Risks which increase chance of death by 0.000001
> Smoking 1.4 cigarettes -- Cancer, heart disease
> Drinking ½ litre of wine -- Cirrhosis of the liver
> Spending 1 hour in a coal mine -- Black lung disease
> Spending 3 hours in a coal mine -- Accident
> Living 2 days in New York or Boston -- Air pollution
> Travelling 5 minutes by canoe -- Accident
> Travelling 10 miles by bicycle -- Accident
> Travelling 300 miles by car -- Accident
> Flying 1000 miles by jet -- Accident
> Flying 6000 miles by jet -- Cancer caused by
> cosmic radiation
> Living 2 months in Denver on vacation from
> New York -- Cancer caused by cosmic radiation
> Living 2 months in average stone or brick building
> -- Cancer caused by natural radioactivity
> One chest X-ray taken in a good hospital -- Cancer
> caused by radiation
> Living 2 months with a cigarette smoker -- Cancer,
> heart disease
> Eating 40 tablespoons of peanut butter -- Liver
> cancer caused by aflatoxin B
> Drinking Miami drinking-water for 1 year -- Cancer
> caused by chloroform
> Drinking 30 12 oz. cans of diet soda -- Cancer
> caused by saccharin
> Living 5 years at site boundary of a typical nuclear
> power plant in the open -- Cancer caused by radiation
> Drinking 1000 24 oz. soft drinks from recently banned
> plastic bottles -- Cancer from acrylonitrile monomer
> Living 20 years near PVC plant -- Cancer caused by
> vinyl chloride (1976 standard)
> Living 150 years within 20 miles of a nuclear power
> plant -- Cancer caused by radiation
> Eating 100 charcoal broiled steaks -- Cancer from
> benzopyrene
> Risk of accident by living within 5 miles of a *nuclear
> reactor for 50 years -- Cancer caused by radiation
Mark, back to your old name calling? That's getting old. You've been
pushed off so many newsgroups I can't count them.
I'm a poster here on Rec.Food just like you. My blog is listed as it
is the source of the article, and it has no ads or commercial content.
Just a compendium of 300+ articles like the one you object to.
It's interesting how a pharmaceutical/chemical industry tout like you
can come on here and talk about cancer risk, when your whole
livelihood and interests deals with chemicals that can hurt the human
body. Mark, are you aware that your industry KILLS tens of thousands
of people every year when people like you formulate these products?
You should be ashamed of yourself for objecting to a post about the
genuine risk of cancer from grilled meats. This is based on research
from a legitimate university, with named people, not anonymous posters
like you who don't leave a trace of their identity behind them. Look
at everything of mine, and like the people from Kansas in this
article, I have my full details and biosketch open. Good luck getting
details on "Mark Thorsen, internet policeman"!