Thread: Breakfast...
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Becca[_2_] Becca[_2_] is offline
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Default Breakfast...

Andy wrote:
> George Shirley said...
>> kilikini wrote:
>>> Becca wrote:
>>>> George Shirley wrote:
>>>>> Be after 0830 CDST before I can have breakfast. Blood work this
>>>>> morning for next weeks quarterly visit to the family physician. I'll
>>>>> probably have whatever I can snatch and grab when I get home,
>>>>> probably a couple of frozen pancakes we made last week, banana nut,
>>>>> with sugar free so-called syrup. Then it's two shots of insulin,
>>>>> three blood pressure pills, and a diuretic pill. Thus starts the day
>>>>> today. Bah! Humbug! If it weren't for doctors and nurses I just
>>>>> wouldn't have anyone
>>>>> outside the house to talk to.
>>>> lol That sounds awfully pitiful. C'mon over and we can chat. Then, I
>>>> am going to see a movie today, I am undecided between the X-Files and
>>>> Hellboy2. I may flip a coin to decide.
>>>> Becca
>>> I'll ask my husband to join you both. He loves horror and sci-fi.
>>> kili

>> I don't care for horror but have been a SF fan since age 8, that's, oh
>> well, a really long time ago.

> Movie theaters have fallen out of favor for me. I don't like audience
> germs, noise, etc and you can't take your eyes off the screen to use the
> restroom and miss a plotline, etc.
> Andy

We saw HellboyII, and it was so-so. The X-Files would have been better.

As far as germs, I'm afraid we are surrounded. You have to wash your
hands frequently and keep your hands off your face. Never touch your
mouth, nose or your eyes.
