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Today: U.S. National Cheesecake Day
blake murphy said...
> On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 05:01:25 -0700, Abe > wrote:
>>>Today: U.S. National Cheesecake Day
>>>Delicious and oh so good for you!
>>It's funny that there is no information about the origin of this
>>'holiday' documented anywhere (at least that I could find) yet
>>somehow, by osmosis or some other mechanism, it has become recognized
>>as an unofficial holiday.
>>I guess you could take any food you like, start posting about it being
>>that foods day, and create enough buzz to actually make it come true.
>>I think I'll declare August 1st (my birthday) national waffle day.
> don't forget steak and bj day!
> <>
> your pal,
> blake