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Pan Pan is offline
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Posts: 101
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 14:45:17 -0400, "cybercat" >

>"blake murphy" > wrote
>> i would be surprised if in many places they don't just give you a fact
>> sheet, list of a.a. or n.a. meetings and a hearty 'good luck.'

>Probably true. My experience with addiction was my 25-year smoking habit
>(age 15-40) and it was humbling. It had almost gotten to the point where I
>chose the friends and family members I spent time on based upon whether they
>were comfortable with me smoking. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED my
>cigarettes and still miss them at times, but that was just too much. I've
>never allowed a human being to control me and I'm going to let a thing
>control me? MM mm. Had my addiction been to an illegal substance, I can just
>imagine the problems I might have now.

So cybercat did you go into a residential rehab or did you quit on
your own. Or did they give you a list of S.A. (smokers Anon.) and wish
you good luck.