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Pan Pan is offline
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Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:40:02 GMT, blake murphy
> wrote:

>On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 01:51:44 GMT, Orlando Enrique Fiol
> wrote:
>>>I don't think it is antipathy for the poor as much as it is for these two very
>>>large women who compared their situation to the famines in Ethiopia or Biafra. They
>>>aren't starving. They are gigantic.

>>The daughter described how her sister often helps her out when she runs
>>out of food, which suggests near starvation to me.
>>>The mother has never worked and never finished
>>>high school. She claims to have been left depressed and unable to work since she
>>>was involved in a car accident 17 years ago. Being 40, that means the accident
>>>happened when she was 23, well past the age when she should have finished high
>>>school, and even after leaving school she never worked, even when she could have.

>>Okay, let's just come out and say it: the bitch is lazy. Does that mean
>>we, in the most affluent country on Earth, should leave the lazy to die?

>for many people here, the answer is emphatically 'yes.' along with
>the stupid or just plain unlucky people.
>charming, no?
>your pal,

No the lazy should not be left to die. Hunger would be an incentive to
get a job.
But if she chooses to die, that is her choice, just as anyone who
committed suicide.