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usual suspect
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Default natural predators & a natural life is cruel? "Yes" - accordingto shit-stirrers Boob and Dreck

Pinocchio wrote:
>>>>>>>your wholly unacceptable editing.
>>>>>>You lost all moral authority to criticize anyone else's posting habits long
>>>>>>ago. You either respect the spirit of usenet exchanges, which is to fairly
>>>>>>represent your opponent's position in your post, or you don't. You don't,
>>>>>>you have been using a variety of unethical snipping and out of context
>>>>>>quoting tactics for a long time, so the gloves are off.
>>>>>Snipping without notation is a whole lot different to
>>>>>editing an opponent's posts before then replying to
>>>>Wrong, it's the same ****ing thing.
>>>No, it isn't, and only someone such as yourself would
>>>fail to see the wrong done in editing your opponent's
>>>posts against the usual snipping done here.

>>I warned you in advance that two could play your game. That is all I did.

> But that wasn't "all you did".

Yes, it was.

<snip twisted sophistry and self-justifications>
> I have not EDITED your posts,

You have:
That is all you ever do. Compare the following. The first is a post to which you
responded. The second is your response. Compare what parts of my post you left
intact. Click on the "complete thread" link and compare what little you left
from the posts which you replied.

There was *no* name-calling in any of that, you fat ****ing liar. See also for an example of how you took me completely out of
context to make your pretext.

Starting with you...
> Nonsense. Every moral agent is entirely autonomous, fool.

Note your snip, asshole. That statement was qualified by what followed. Stop
taking things out of context to make a pretext.

The autonomy the farmer has is pretty much limited to his choice to sell in the
free market in the first place. Beyond that, his decisions are borne of
prevailing market conditions. Farmers are free to niche market to people
concerned about pesticide use, GMOs, etc., and even CDs, but they will only do
that if there's a market for such effort so he can profit from it.

What part of *that* do you specifically object?


You snipped that, and ended your reply from the above post with this (starting
and ending with your unethical snipping to take others out of context):

>> I hate to disappoint you, but farmers do have free will.

>I noted as much


The line that you edited contained NO name-calling. I wrote:
I noted as much about autonomy in what followed. Next time note your
snip about it.

Now what were you saying about not editing anyone else's posts? THAT was your
last straw, and THAT is when I decided to play your stupid game of editing your
posts. You started it and you have NO grounds for complaining, you big fat arsehole.


> so your tu quoque falls
> to the ground.

Nope, it stands. And it was YOUR tu quoque.

> Besides, why should I leave your stupid
> name-calling in anyway?

You snipped out a LOT more than name-calling -- see above for the evidence that
I didn't call you names until you called me one. When you dish it out as much
bullshit as you do, you better have thick enough skin to handle a little bit
when it comes back to you. Your whining shows your hypocrisy. Be a man, you fat