On Wed 30 Jul 2008 07:36:46p, sandi told us...
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> 5.247:
>> On Wed 30 Jul 2008 07:16:28p, sandi told us...
>>> Blinky the Shark > wrote in
>>>> Coke's my least favorite of the colas I know. I find it
>>>> kind of heavy; between the Big Two Colas, I like the lighter and
>>>> more interesting mix of flavors Pepsi offers.
>>> I use to like TAB. I have no idea what it tastes like now or even if
>>> it's being sold anywhere.
>> I've never tasted a diet soda that I liked. They all seem to
>> have an aftertaste that I find unpleasant. I rarely drink
>> soft drinks of any type, though. Only occasionally with a burger or
>> pizza.
> I've never experienced the 'aftertaste' I've heard you and others
> mentioned. Way back when... I could drink any brand of soda pop.
> Diet or not. I just don't remember any odd tastes. Maybe my taste
> buds have been shot since birth.
> I'd rather have water, tea or coffee than soda pop.
My primary beverage is iced tea; 2nd is iced coffee.
Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 07(VII)/30(XXX)/08(MMVIII)
'You can't have a light without a dark
to stick it in' -- Arlo Guthrie