"usual suspect" > wrote in message
> Dreck now claims he only snips name-calling. Consider the following.
> The first is a post to which Dreck responded. The second is his response.
> Compare what parts of my post he left intact. Click on the "complete
> link and compare what little he left from ANY of the posts which he
> http://snipurl.com/6kzz
> http://snipurl.com/6l01
> There was *no* name-calling in any of that. See also
http://snipurl.com/6l04 for
> an example of how Dreck took me completely out of context to make his
> Starting with Dreck...
> ------
> > Nonsense. Every moral agent is entirely autonomous, fool.
> [I replied:]
> Note your snip, asshole. That statement was qualified by what followed.
> taking things out of context to make a pretext.
> The autonomy the farmer has is pretty much limited to his choice to sell
in the
> free market in the first place. Beyond that, his decisions are borne of
> prevailing market conditions. Farmers are free to niche market to people
> concerned about pesticide use, GMOs, etc., and even CDs, but they will
only do
> that if there's a market for such effort so he can profit from it.
> What part of *that* do you specifically object?
> ------
> He never answered the question. Instead, the fat clown completely snipped
it and
> ended his reply from the above post with this (starting and ending with
> unethical snipping to take others out of context):
> [Dreck:]
> >> I hate to disappoint you, but farmers do have free will.
> [my partial reply, edited by the fat **** himself:]
> >I noted as much
> [Dreck:]
> Good.
> ----
> See last post at:
> http://snipurl.com/6l05
> --------
> The line that Dreck edited contained NO name-calling. I *actually* wrote
> he edited it down to suit his agenda):
> I noted as much about autonomy in what followed. Next time note your
> snip about it.
> Now he says he doesn't edit anyone else's posts, except for name-calling.
He is
> a proven liar, and he's a baby who dishes out a lot of bullshit but cannot
> it when others return the favor.
Sounds like you are doing the crying:-)
Like I've said many a time, you can dish it out, but you can't take it.