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Stan Horwitz Stan Horwitz is offline
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Default Bennigan's closes and files for bankruptcy.

In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> Andy <q> wrote:
> > Bennigan's closes and files for bankruptcy.
> >
> > The talking heads reported this morning that Bennigans and "Steak &
> > Ale. another of their restaurants have closed.
> >
> >
> >
> > I ate at Bennigans maybe twice. Nice enough place as I remember.
> >
> > Andy

> Used to meet co-workers at Bennigan's after work from time to time. I only
> ever had appetizers there but IIRC they were okay. That was 15 years ago.
> I was told the week before I started work someone called in a bomb threat to
> the office. People walked over to Bennigan's while the building was
> searched. Then someone phoned a bomb threat to Bennigan's! There was a
> phone booth (remember those?!) across the street from both buildings. I
> imagine the perpetrator had a grand time watching both places being
> evacuated.

Working at a university, bomb threats are not unheard of. Every once in
a while during final or mid-term exams, a bomb threat is reported for
one of the classroom buildings. Gee! I wonder why that happens! When I
was a student, We had to evacuate class twice during exams due to bomb
threats, and that was something like 20 years ago. It gets old real
quickly, but so do all the false fire alarms in my building. Ironically,
just this week, we had to evacuate for a real fire. There was a small
fire on an elevator in my building. It was quickly extinguished by the
fire company, but we were out of the building for half an hour and no
one was injured.