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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Why not refrigerate everything?

> Sheldon wrote:
> >If you live alone why do you need to stash so much food, are you
> >paranoid about running out of food, are there no stupidmarkets
> >nearby... it's always better to buy fresh and/or take advantage of the
> >store's fridges/freezers. �And if your landlord is paying for your
> >electric you'll not be permitted to have an extra fridge or freezer,
> >and rightly so. �And if you're paying for electric you won't be able
> >to save enough money buying sale items to cover the price of the
> >appliance and your additional electric bill. �If you have extra cash
> >sitting around you'd be far wiser putting it into an interest bearing
> >savings account than to invest in foods for stockpiling, many of which
> >you'll never consume... trust me, simply because you have the space
> >you will fill it, mainly with larger quantites of perishables than you
> >can consume before they spoil.

> I live in northern Missouri where winters are BAD!

I live in northern NY where winters are bad, not north pole BAD! I
bet you never once had to hitch up a team of huskies so you get to a

> there are times when it damn near impossible to get to
> the store or a severe inconvenience in the least

Even when I get two feet of snow within two days there has never been
a time I couldn't get to a store pretty much whenever I wanted... the
roads are plowed and salted/sanded continuously, as are the store
parking lots... my only deterent is the hour or so it takes to clear
my own driveway... I check the weather forecast and sometimes it pays
to wait 2-3 days for the same gal who dumped the snow to take it
away. Otherwise I give Mother Nature a push with my big plow.

I have two ordinary average sized refrigerator freezers, one in my
kitchen, the other in my basement. I've never yet needed all that
freezer space (it's not wise to jam stuff into a freezer anyway), I
make much more use of the extra fridge space... and even then it's
really just a minor convenience... I store some things in the basement
fridge because I don't like my kitchen fridge so squeezed in that it's
always a hassle to rearrange every time I need to get something out or
put something in. I keep a lot of canned/jarred items in the
basement fridge simply because I like them to be cold when I decide to
use them... I keep all my canned tuna, sardines and other canned fish
in the
fridge because it's usually a spur of the moment decision when to eat
those. Condiments maintain flavor and color longer refrigerated so I
keep those in the fridge as well. And of course any and all drinks
are always at the ready when kept cold, large bottles of liquid are
also an excellent cold sink, so operating costs are kept significantly
lower. And it's really dumb to fill a freezer with low mass foods,
like bread. If you find yourself with spare freezer space an
excellent high mass food is chocolate bars, and vodka.

I kinda know about when winter is nigh (don't you own a calender), so
then I stock up with a little extra cold weather fare provisions...
but no one in the US needs more than three months worth of any food,
most perishables no more than two weeks worth is all anyone needs...
any more then one definitley has a mental problem/phobia.