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Becca[_2_] Becca[_2_] is offline
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Default OT - hurricane Dolly Report

Chris Marksberry wrote:

> I was watching the coverage of Dolly on TV and was amazed to see all the
> bottled water, sacks of ice, sandwiches and other types of food being sent
> to the victims. When we went through Hurricane Alicia back in 1983 (it
> arrived on our wedding anniversary) we received zero help from no one.
> Maybe someone did, but it sure wasn't anybody we knew. I have a girlfriend
> who chased around a Sparkle Ice Truck just trying to secure some ice.
> Chris

Nobody was there with water or ice, FWIR, and we lost electricity for at
least a week. I remember going to work bright and early that morning,
and I brought donuts. Hey, where is everybody??? lol I saw a huge sign
go flying across the parking lot, so I went home.

We had a huge hurricane party on our cul-de-sac. One family had several
cartons of ice cream, which was nice, because it was soooo hot in August.
