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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Reducing Cancer Danger (HCA) on Grilled Meats

Dave wrote:
> On Jul 31, 6:43 am, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Nina wrote:
>>> I don't know. I always said *exactly* that. And then I watched both
>>> my uncle and my mother die of cancer, just recently, and you really
>>> kind of don't look at anything the same way ever again.
>>> So while I think that the grill thing is nonsense, I think long and
>>> hard about consuming "foods" that are overly processed or basically
>>> just chemicals (I know, everything is chemicals, but I mean things
>>> like Nutrasweet). It's harder to dismiss it all completely. Makes
>>> you think that you should at least have some kind of stab at spreading
>>> out the odds.
>>> Not trying to be a wet blanket here, but it's hard to get it out of
>>> your mind when you watch the process.

>> I understand that. After my mom died of pancreatic cancer, I became a
>> vegetarian for several years. It made me feel like I might have some
>> control over my destiny. I still do avoid things--and this whole issue
>> is one reason why my current consumption of sausages (albeit uncured
>> etc.) is odd. I really need to stop that.
>> --
>> Jean B.

> Jean, the same thing happened to me. My dad died of cancer, in his
> early 60's, and so I tried to "clean up my act" for quite some time,
> but I've slipped back into most of my old eating habits. I must admit
> that I felt the best when I was a veggie -- it was indeed a good,
> healthy feeling (perhaps its in the head). But it was impossible when
> my family wasn't supporting it, and my wife and son were sitting there
> eating a filet mignon and I had a salad in front of me. The family
> peer pressure snapped me out of that after about 8 or 9 months.
> Still, its funny, but when you mention something about health on RFC,
> people ALWAYS come out in support of their poor eating habits. Hey, we
> all do it, but it doesn't hurt now and again to at least confront our
> eating habits and think about ways that we can improve them for our
> own health. I think the problem is, as someone put it in the string
> above, that just above everything that tastes good has been nailed by
> the health police at one time or another.
> Dave

Well, I agree with all of this--and I still think I should get back to
more of a straight and narrow diet.... Actually, I could do that and
lose weight too, I guess. Mostly fruits and veggies. Grains and
legumes. I think the way we eat has little to do with what our bodies
actually require now.

Your family made a healthier way of eating difficult for you just as my
daughter makes it hard for me. Her eating habits aren't excatly My
ideal, to say the least. And there is food here for her and her friends....

Jean B.