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dsi1[_3_] dsi1[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 352
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

Giusi wrote:

> Except they are on top of the mental illness. I was crazed for a part of
> the quitting time. I wanted to throw people under a bus or spit in their
> eye. If I were a homicidal maniac, I would have done it. I think I would
> have set fire to a nurse, probably. One that smelled of smoke from her
> break ciggie.

It's probably a mixed bag with whether or not they're on top of the
mental illness. I will place you under the "went insane from quiting
smoking" column. My guess is that while they reached 100% compliance
from the patients, the staff's smoking habits would be relatively
unchanged. It don't seem right, do it?