In article >,
blake murphy > wrote:
> Shopping Cart Wash Lets Customers Get Groceries, Not Germs
> By Steve Hendrix
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Wednesday, July 23, 2008; Page B01
> As Schwei finished installing the unit next to the row of checkout
> aisles, customers stopped to see the first sanitized carts roll
> through. Suzi Walsh, a self-described germ-phobe and a regular shopper
> from Kensington, said she had been waiting for the new system since
> the store announced it was coming several weeks ago.
> "I'm the kind of person who uses a bit of paper towel to open the
> bathroom door," said Walsh,
This just cracks me up. Does she think the germs magically disappear
once the person who wiped their butt with their bare hands and didn't
wash their hands afterward, leaves the bathroom?
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA