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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Eating Manually

Ophelia wrote on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 21:19:44 +0100:

> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 23:05:06 -0700, "Bob Terwilliger"
>> > wrote:
>>> Becca wrote (I started a new thread):
>>>> My mother never allowed us children to eat with our hands. We had
>>>> to use utensils, if we wanted to eat. Her mother was
>>>> the same way, and she was French. I wondered where this
>>>> came from. It is still difficult for me to eat foods like hot dogs
>>>> or pizza, without using a fork.
>>> Ribs, tacos, egg rolls, and hot dogs are NOT AS GOOD if you don't
>>> eat them with your hands. Sushi is MEANT to be finger food; eating
>>> sushi with chopsticks is a sign of cultural
>>> ignorance.

>> ever since i read this somewhere, there's been no looking
>> back. my chopstick skills are pretty good, but still.
>>> Bob, remembering that kili uses chopsticks to eat egg rolls

>> i've heard tacos are the ultimate test, but that's a test i'd
>> prefer not to take.

>Hmmmm but what about fried bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and fried

However, the food is supposed to be served in pieces small enough for
chopsticks in Chinese and Japanese (probably Korean too) restaurants. It
is a sign of an incompetent chef if that is not so. Most people can't
cut with chopsticks but I've seen the mother of one my daughter's
friends cutting food with the large sticks she uses for cooking. I also
saw an elderly Chinese lady cutting some food with a fork holding it
down with chopsticks. She did have a disapproving look!


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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