Reducing Cancer Danger (HCA) on Grilled Meats
Dave wrote:
<<would he bring "religion" into a newsgroup discussion about foods??
I'm not sure you can call Scientology a religion, something I assume
you agree with since you use the scare quotes. But overall, I think
his remark amusing, since he draws an allusion to Scientology's
tendency to attack the person, rather than what they say.
Regardless, getting thrown off newsgroups isn't necessarily shameful;
people that are immersed in woo get really annoyed when you ask for
evidence. I frequently hear that creationist sites, such as Uncommon
Descent, will instantly ban you if you disagree with the moderator,
and delete all your posts. It's sorta become a badge of honor.
BTW, I noticed that you made no attempt to refute the data he posted
in response to your original post. That leads me to believe that you
consider it accurate.